Sunday 13 April 2014

It just wrote itself.

On Friday I emailed the first episode of my radio sitcom off to a production company, and yesterday I posted it to another company. When I'd done that, I pretty much spent the day writing the 3rd episode (I'm still working on the 2nd episode). 
The entire episode was finished in a day. It really caught me by surprise, I'm not used to things writing themselves quite in the way this one did. It's being read by a fellow writer, then I'll commence redrafting in a few days. 
Today I've had a break from writing for most of the day, although I have been wrestling with the plot of the 2nd episode. It's almost there, but not quite. Then comes the fun bit of actually writing the script! 
I'm aiming to have the 2nd episode script finished by the end of next week. 
In the meantime, I seriously need to do some housework. 

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